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All posts tagged "Black History in Two Mins"


As the Union declared victory over the Confederacy, post-Civil War life seemed to be off to a good start for freed slaves. William Tecumseh...


The landmark case Brown v. Board of Education declared that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. However, for most black and white families,...


After graduating from Shaw University, Ella Baker moved to New York City and began her career as a grassroots organizer. Joining the NAACP in...


Marcus Garvey was born in Jamaica and experienced the impacts of colonization at the hands of the British. As a result, he developed a...


Religion as we know it infiltrated the black community during slavery. While the objective leaned on pacifying slaves, black people rose against the negative...


Isabella Baumfree was born into slavery in the late 18th century. Despite this, she’d go on to prove that enslavement was only a state...


The events unfolding across the United States today in the wake of the brutal murder of George Floyd, are an eerie repetition of events...

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