After nearly seven decades, Dior, the renowned French fashion house, returned to Scotland for a catwalk show. The event, held at Drummond Castle in Perthshire, was graced by a host of celebrities including Oscar laureate Jennifer Lawrence, Golden Globe recipient Rosamund Pike, and “Furiosa” star Anya Taylor-Joy.
Other notable attendees included “Emily in Paris” lead Lily Collins, “Game of Thrones” actress Maisie Williams, “The Mummy” star Annabelle Wallis, Spice Girl Geri Horner, tennis sensation Emma Raducanu, designer Alexa Chung, and acclaimed actress Minnie Driver.
The event showcased the Cruise 2025 collection, curated by creative director Maria Grazia Chiuri, in the castle’s historic gardens. These 17th-century gardens have been featured in numerous films, TV shows, and commercials, including “Rob Roy” and the popular series “Outlander”.
Chiuri, in collaboration with Samantha McCoach from Le Kilt, drew inspiration from the locale, introducing the show with an array of tartan ensembles and concluding with a bagpiper procession.
This event marked Dior’s return to Scotland since Christian Dior hosted two fashion shows in 1955, one at the Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire and the other at the Central Hotel in Glasgow.